Activities – My Outdoor Equipment About indoor and outdoor activities Sat, 15 Mar 2025 10:40:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Staying connected on your hike Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:39:59 +0000 Ah, hiking. There’s nothing like being out in the great outdoors, enjoying the fresh air, taking in the scenery and getting away from it all. The downside is that “getting away from it all” can often mean the inconvenice of doing without an internet connection. Technophobes may roll their eyes but having internet access in the wilderness can be extremely useful.

You can check weather reports, view maps and keep friends and family updated on your progress. Workaholics may want to stay on top of a pet project or be available via email. The internet also provides engaging passtimes for when you’re done walking and just want to relax: imagine joining your regular online poker tournament from your seat by the campfire. Fortunately, there are plenty of options if you want to stay connected in the wilderness.

First of all, you may still be able to jump onto public wifi. As long as you’re not too far removed from civilisation, you might just be able to pick up a signal from that pub back down in the valley. Next there’s your mobile phone; this can be set up as a mobile wifi hotspot. Once upon a time this might have required a lot of complicated jailbreaking shenanigans but nowadays many smartphones come with a hotspot function that makes it easy to get online.

Keep an eye on your data, though — using your phone as a hotspot can be expensive. For those who want to take their broadband internet with them on their adventures, a WiMAX device may be the answer. If you’re really planning to go off the beaten track, a cellphone signal may simply not be available. That’s when you need to switch to satellite internet. These systems aren’t cheap; expect to pay upwards of £300 for the hardware alone. Come on, though — how else are you going to play online poker in the rainforest?

Online activities for a rainy day Thu, 17 Jan 2019 10:00:34 +0000 If you’re stuck indoors without much to occupy you, the internet can be a lifesaver. Instead of resigning yourself to scrolling through social media or binging on your favourite streaming service, why not try something new? There are plenty of online activities that you can enjoy anytime.

Learn a language

Okay, you’re not going to learn a whole language over a wet weekend — but you can certainly make a good start and see if language learning is right for you. Online language learning sites like Duolingo make the process fun, with language trees and practice exercises that allow you to learn a new language painlessly.

Find a free audiobook — or record one yourself

The Librivox website is packed with free, public-domain books on every possible topic, each one read by a volunteer. They’re great for relaxing with or listening to while you enjoy another activity. You can even pass a little time by volunteering to read yourself.

Try an online game

There are lots of great games available to play online — many of them cheap or free. These range from quick and easy casual games such as puzzles and quick shoot-em-ups, to sophisticated and immersive roleplaying adventures. Many classic games are available online, including all your favourite board games and card games. You can enjoy a quiet round of solitaire, a game of bridge or an exciting online poker session.

Develop your skills and knowledge base

Do you want to learn a new recipe? Get started with a programming language? Try a DIY task or an art technique? There are plenty of ways to do this online. Sites like Khan Academy, Udemy and others let you learn virtually any practical or academic skill you can imagine. If you’re not terribly confident, hit YouTube for instructional videos. YouTube is also a great place to learn about science, history, art or any other topic that interests you.

Hiking Excursions from Asia’s Cities Wed, 16 Jan 2019 10:31:34 +0000 Asia is a backpacker’s paradise replete with awe-inspiring natural viewpoints and a network of avid hikers, trekkers and travellers. Whether you’re looking for a remote, serious off-the-grid style hiking adventure or you’re simply looking for a natural escape from the big city, hiking is the perfect way to explore both Asia’s natural wonders and its vast metropolitan areas. Here we look at some interesting and short hiking excursions to take near vibrant Asian cities.

1. Casino Breaks: Macau

Macau is worth a visit for its glitzy casino industry. Hiking is a perfect opportunity to balance the city with Macau’s more tranquil and richly forested landscape. From the Taipa Grand Trail to Mong Há Hill, Macau offers many well-paced walks and views over the sea and city.

2. Leaving the City: Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of Asia’s most densely populated metropolitan areas, but the area also offers easy-to-access hiking excursions just moments from the city’s bright lights. Given that nearly half of the territory is made up of natural parks and coverage, there are plenty of options just moments from the city. We recommend hitting Dragon’s Back on Hong Kong island for incredible coastal views at a leisurely pace.

3. World Wonder: Beijing

The Great Wall of China is one of the world’s great human achievements, and you can hike it easily from Beijing with some pre-planning. Many of the wall’s sections have become tourist traps with crowds and additional attractions. For a good hike, head to a more secluded spot and consider hiking from one section to another. The Jiankou to Mutianyu 5-hour hike is particularly impressive as it takes in unrestored Jiankou, crumbling sections along with the more up-to-date (but still less crowded) sections of Mutianyu.

4. Mountain Excursion: Tokyo

Japan’s famed Mount Fuji may get all the tourist attention, but there are plenty of other impressive natural mountains nearer Tokyo city centre. Mount Takao is a popular mountain accessible via the Keio Line with waterfalls, hiking paths, shrines and monkeys.

How to Plan a Successful Hiking Trip Tue, 30 Oct 2018 13:52:44 +0000 Hiking is one of the most rewarding past times imaginable but for some, it may seem a bit intimidating. Where do you start the planning process, and what are the things that need to be taken into consideration? If this is you, you’ve come to the right place. After you’ve read this useful guide, you will be able to plan that hiking trip like a pro and before you know it, you will be packing and heading off into the peaceful serenity of nature with no-one around you.First, you should decide what you want out of your hiking trip. Do you want a popular trail where you might bump into other hikers, or do you want to go off the beaten track where you won’t find a soul in sight? You should also decide on the duration of your hike. Do you want to start with a one-day hike, or are you comfortable with a 3-5 day experience? Your fitness level will also play a role. Make sure that you are fit enough to meet your target.

Your Gear

A common mistake made by most newbie hikers is that they carry along unnecessary items on their trip. You want your backpack to be as light as possible, because it will make your hike more convenient. Throw everything that you need into a pile and choose only half of it. A pot can be used for cooking, but you can also use it as a bowl. When purchasing your backpack, make sure that it is between 50-65 L. This will give you more than enough room to squeeze in one or two extra things.Your hiking boots are also incredibly important. When you are shopping around, you should make sure that the boots are waterproof and that it has solid ankle support. You will spend the majority of your time on your feet and you want your experience to be comfortable. Last but not least are your sleeping bag and sleeping mat. Make sure that both are water resistant and that their weight won’t break your back. After a long day of walking, you will surely want to have a good night’s rest.
